PicLan-IP Installation
PicLan-IP has been developed for Universe/NT relese PicLan-IP
may run in conjunction with other Universe/NT releases, but this has not
been tested.
Installing the PICLAN-IP Account
Beginning with release of PicLan-IP, the distribution set now
has both an archive of the Universe 9.4 directory structure and a seperate
UVBACKUP virtual save file of the same directory. More information
about using these file is included in the on-line READ.ME file that is
included with the download.
Beginning with release of PicLan-IP, the installation method
has been changed. Previously, PicLan-IP was distributed as a virtual
tape file that was created with the Universe Backup utility. Beginning
with, PicLan-IP is being distributed as a 32-bit
PkZip archive of the c:\uv\PICLAN-IP directory structure. This
should allow you to restore this account to destination locations more
easily than the Universe archive.
If you are loading PicLan-IP version prior to, you can still
follow the old instructions:
The PicLan-IP software is distributed as a compresses archive
(ZIP) file. When you uncompress this file, you will find that it contains
a single Universe/NT virtual tape file called PLIPUVNT.TAP.
The PLIPUVNT.TAP file is restored using the restore
utility within UVADMIN. When restoring this file select:
Restore Options: Selected Windows NT Directories
Directory: c:\uv\piclan-ip
If you would like to restore the PICLAN-IP account to a different location,
you can specify this in the UVRestore program.
Once the d:\uv\piclan-ip (or whatever you have named
it) directory is restored, you should create a Universe account to point
to this named PICLAN-IP. You do this with the Universe account
administration function within UVADMIN.
Configuring the PicLan-IP Software
You can then configure the PicLan-IP server software in the same manner
as other PicLan-IP releases. You should note the following differences
as compared to native PicLan-IP releases:
In Windows Network Setup:
Set the IP address for your network adapters to the desired addresses for
the web server.
If you need virtual hosting, then you should enter multiple IP addresses
for each virtual host.
Set the DLL PATH= parameter to point to the directory that contains
PLIP.DLL file. This is usually C:\UV\PICLAN-IP\PLIP.BP\NAT.OBJ
(the PicLan-IP DLL and other NT executables are contained within a type
'1' file in the PICLAN-IP account).
Only the first IP address field is used.
Default gateway and route table information is not used.
In the WWW.CTRL CFG item:
If you use an asterisk '*' for an IP address, then the first IP
address in the PLIP.CTRL CONFIG file will be used, even if that address
is not valid for this machine.
For more information, refer to the standard PicLan-IP configuration documentation:
Setting up the Native PicLan-IP Drivers
Once PicLan-IP is loaded and at least the DLL PATH= parameter is
configured, you must execute the command:
This program will:
Copy the file PLIPUVNT.DLL to the Universe /bin directory.
Setup the Windows registry so that PLIPUVNT.DLL will load the next time
a Universe Shell is started.
Catalog a number of GCI interface subroutine names.
After the PLIP-SETUPUVNT program is executed, you must exit Universe before
you attempt to use any PicLan-IP functions or start any PicLan-IP server
processes. It is not necessary to shutdown all of Universe or all
of Windows NT.
Loading the PicLan-IP Drivers
note: This proceedure may be eliminated in future PicLan-IP releases.
You must execute the command:
in order to actually start the PicLan-IP driver daemons. This command
only needs to be execute once.
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