PicLan-IP Installation
In order to install PicLan-IP for mv*Base, you must have mv*Base version
1.0 running on a Windows NT or Windows 95 system. As of the time
that this document was prepared, the only test system in use at Modular
Software were Pentium systems running Windows NT 4.0 Server. Windows
95 systems have not been tested yet.
On each system, you must have installed:
A supported Windows network adapter.
Windows TCP/IP protocol stacks.
Installing the PICLAN-IP Account
The PicLan-IP software is downloadable as a compressed archive (ZIP) file.
At this time, this file is manually installed using the following proceedure
(a future release of PicLan-IP for mv*Base will probably include a somewhat
more automated proceedure).
Create a directory c:/mvbase/server/plip
This assumes that you install mv*Base at the default location. If
you install mv*Base in a different directory, you should install the PicLan-IP
files in a subdirectory under the mvbase/server directory called plip.
Copy the PicLan-IP .zip file to the c:/mvbase/server/plip directory
Uncompress the PicLan-Ip .zip file. The following files will be created:
Start the mv*Base virtual environment and log to the SYSPROG account.
Execute the following TCL commands:
SET-TAPEFILE c:\mvbase\server\plip\plip.vtf
The PICLAN-IP account will be loaded.
You can then configure the PicLan-IP server software in the same manner
as other PicLan-IP releases. You should note the following differences
as compared to native PicLan-IP releases:
In Windows Network Setup:
Set the IP address for your network adapters to the desired addresses for
the web server.
If you need virtual hosting, then you should enter multiple IP addresses
for each virtual host.
Set the DLL PATH= parameter to point to the directory that contains
The IP address fields are not used.
In the WWW.CTRL CFG item:
If you use an asterisk '*' for an IP address, then the first IP
address in the PLIP.CTRL CONFIG file will be used, even if that address
is not valid for this machine.
For more information, refer to the standard PicLan-IP configuration documentation:
After PicLan-IP is configured, you execute the following command to activate
the PicLan-IP software:
Testing indicates that the PLIP-LOAD program can fail in some configurations.
If you run the PLIP-LOAD program from a port that is not running the mv*Base
terminal emulator on the host that is running the mv*Base server then this
program will fail. This also happens if you try to include the PLIP-LOAD
program in the system coldstart routine and you start mv*Base as a service.
The following workaround can be used in these cases:
At the command prompt go to the c:/mvbase/server/plip directory
Execute the commands:
plips plip.dat
attrib +r plip.dat
This will create a read-only copy of the PLIP.DAT data file. This
file contains 32-bit Windows entry point addresses coded in hex that is
used by the PicLan-IP DLL loader. If you re-install Windows or apply
any service patches or other operating system level changes, you need to
delete the PLIP.DAT file and re-execute this sequence.
This command will load the PicLan-IP support DLL (plip.dll) and
allocate buffer space. The PicLan-IP web server is then started with:
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