PicLan-IP Dynamic Web Content
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11. Chaining to Another Page
You can have one page chain to another page. This is particularily useful
for error message pages. You do this by calling PLW.PAGE(fname,'',R.ERR)
and then executing a RETURN statement. fname is the page
name with path. ERROR is a variable that will be returned. If you
wish to pass parameters to the chained page, use the PL_PUTVAR statements
to load the variable values into input fields. The chained page can contain
embedded Pick BASIC code as well.
Note: The syntax of the PLW.PAGE(...) subroutine has been
changed in PicLan-IP build 2.0.0(105). Previous releases include
the RESX varaible in the parameter list. RESX has been moved to COMMON
for performance reasons.
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